Wassup? A lot, and it ain’t good. Signal, anybody?
(What else did you expect from you know who?)
“Smart Phone” acquires a new meaning. We aren’t the users. We are the product.
In case Morosenii and Motoganii…
Do not rise up, to fight the B.S., Romania is doomed. Vallachians and Moldovians are already sold. Romania shall crumble. We hope NOT.
Open letter to CNN, BBC, EU and Romanian GOV
To whom it may concern,This is to report a critical situation regarding today’s Romanian Government attitude towards Romanian Diaspora.Background:There are millions of Romanians living outside Romania’s border.Most of them chose to Self EXILE during the communist era, between 1945 and 1989. They represent the Romanian Diaspora.They established themselves throughout the World: US, CANADA, Australia, West European countries, etc.Any and all of them have dramatic stories to tell regarding their escape…
Vice President JD Vance reveals the moment the Trump-Zelenskyy meeting ‘went off the rails’
To keep it simple, the Ukrainian president called the US Vice President a “bitch”. That settles IT.
How the Hapsburgs inherited Bran Castle.
The real disclaimer about this WP site
Disclaimer: This web site’s hosting company, together with the owner and webmaster of do not endorse any advertising and/or are not responsible for the content of the messages posted on this board by third parties, which includes editors, authors and contributors. Contacting people who choose to post their personal information here is not recommended. Dracula’s Castle web site shall not be held responsible for any wrong doings derived from…
The two previous POSTS were from a fellow who lives outside USA, receiving benefits for the years he worked in the USA.
Romania, a lost cause..
A country with no direction, except NONE. May God help Romania.
Doomsday Clock Closer Than Ever to Midnight:
44 Statistics From 2024 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe
Print this and shove it under your boss’s crooked nose
Vote for nothing/none.
Voting in Romania proved that there is a shadow entity which controls all. No matter the popular votes, the shadow bastards decide to re-vote, cause their choice did not get elected. What a F..uck??? European Union, are you awake????
Let the punishment fit the crime
Seeing is believing? Quoth the raven, “Nevermore”
Should you see my name on (anti)social media, know it is not I.
Man, we haven’t descended from the same ape. They seem to be Lucy’s daughters (Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds). I reckon the rest of us…Gorilla The Punisher?
Bankers lining up at food banks and soup kitchens? How about that?
Forward this video… U. S. A. Uniunea Sovietica Ailalta?
AI: garbage <in, garbage out> The siblings got their just deserts. Dumb and Dumber at the Oracle of Gobbledygook.
Meaning “Nothing Without GOD.” Nihil sine Deo, Latin for “Nothing without God” (‹See Tfd›German: Nichts ohne Gott; Romanian: Nimic fără Dumnezeu), is used as a motto of the German Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen royal family and was the motto of both the former Principality of Romania and the former Kingdom of Romania. The Hohenzollern family uses the motto Nihil Sine Deo (English: Nothing Without God). The family coat of arms, first adopted in…
The touch and go techniques, used by investors.
The temporary investors. We should find out who these investors are. Because they are the biggest sharks in this capitalistic world. Venture enterprise fellows. Those who up front money for whatever venture, using borrowed money (other people’s money). They collect, and then they drop out. AND reappear a few years later, as new comers.
Fact Check – Hells Angels Arrive in Colorado: Lawyer Reacts to Confronting Venezuelan Gangs
Even more John Mayall….
John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers [Walking On Sunset] – 70th Birthday Concert
More John Mayall, OBE. The legend that he was.
John Mayall – The Train (1970)
Sacramento city attorney reportedly threatened to fine Target store for reporting theft crimes Aiding and abetting criminals. Recall criminal judges.
Can’t make head or tail of it. A trick of the tail?
Whooping-cough aka “whoopee cushion” Goldberg She has stated that her stage forename (“Whoopi”) was taken from a whoopee cushion: “When you’re performing on stage, you never really have time to go into the bathroom and close the door. So if you get a little gassy, you’ve got to let it go. So people used to say to me, ‘You’re like a whoopee cushion.’ And that’s where the name came from.”[16] About her stage surname, she claimed…
The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 – Bob Dylan
SPECTRUM Internet OUTAGE in Hollywood, CA
Spectrum Complete INTERNET OUTAGE in Hollywood, CA. May 9th – May 10th – 2024 Started on THU, May 9th at 4 A.M. ——- Still down on FRI, May 10th at 5 P.M. Next ETR – 9 P.M. Recovered at 7:20 PM on FRI, May 10th. 17 hours+ of complete down time.
Nano Drones are watching you and I
Tennessee passes ‘chemtrail’ bill banning airborne chemicals
The Bill of Rights: What Does it Say?
Narcissists vs Empaths
The Dangerous Relationship Between Empaths & NarcissistsSilvi Saxena MBA, MSW, LSW, CCTP, OSW-C Author: Silvi Saxena, MBA, MSW, LSW, CCTP, OSW-CHeadshot of Naveed Saleh MD, MS Medical Reviewer: Naveed Saleh, MD, MSPublished: September 5, 2023 The relationship between a narcissist and an empath is one-sided, with one partner being the giver and the other taking as much as they can, leaving the other dry. Much like a parasitic relationship, the…
You May Be Paying Too Much for Your Internet
Consumer Reports’ analysis of thousands of bills showed costs vary widely—and charges can be higher when people have fewer providers to choose from. November 17, 2022 By James K. Willcox Data visualizations by Andy Bergmann Like many of her neighbors in East Carroll parish, in rural northeast Louisiana, Wanda Manning has struggled to get decent, affordable internet service. “I’m paying a lot of money each month, about $140, to get…
Dracula’s Castle Radio…
In case you forgot, here it is :
EU aujourd’hui – February, 2024
EU Farmers Protests –
War is a racket
WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a…
Democracy: dictatorship of the (uninformed) majority.
Dracula’s Castle Radio
Check it or die young.
Our new PHPBB message board
Which you can access here: Welcomes you, anytime…
Are YOU keeping up with the new tech ? It’s like FASHION
The more you try to keep up, the less you manage. It changes, day by day. So, what can one do? RELAX, and try to use the old consecrated styles and decent looks and appearances. The rest is BS and only newcomers’ cosmetics, which will fade away over the years. I rest my case.
“I love the smell of corporate negligence in the morning.”
Truth, first casualty in war. Was Schopenhauer right about…?
Bucephalus – Warhorse of Alexander the Great DOCUMENTARY
The Bill of Rights – Period
Tara Romaneasca
„Suntem ţara din care Caragiale a fugit exasperat, ţara în care Eminescu şi-a pierdut minţile, ţara care a refuzat, iresponsabil, oferta lui Brâncuşi la bătrâneţe: aceea de a-şi lăsa întreaga operă compatrioţilor săi. Ţara care şi-a omorât elitele în puşcărie, ţara în care n-au mai vrut să se întoarcă Mircea Eliade, Emil Cioran, Eugen Ionescu, George Enescu. Ţara din care pleacă, mereu, tineri excepţionali, şi nu doar să se căpătuiască,…
Reject any AI !
Try to reject any AI pushed on your computer network, or web site. If you can.
5 Unbelievably Stupid Ideas Governments Actually Tried
Corbett • 11/20/2017 • 31 Comments Ask anyone who’s ever worked in the public sector: With a never-ending stream of taxpayer money and no competition in sight, governments are a breeding ground for stupid ideas. In fact, coming up with a list of all the idiocy that governments have inflicted on the world would be an impossible task, so let’s just narrow it down to five really stupid government ideas….
Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here (1975) So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, Blue skys from pain. Can you tell a green field From a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell? And did they get you to trade Your heros for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze? Cold comfort for change? And did…
MADOFF: The Monster of Wall Street Try watching this docu series, to understand the Jewish communities in USA.
STOP the stupid WARS
We suggest dropping all weapons, start working the fields and get back into shape,by breeding cows, and birds, and pigs, and fish, as usual. STOP the F..ING NONSENSE, and leave the insects alone.They are fodder for other animals, other than humans. This planet can feed us ALL, not just the 1% greedy bastards. To the 1% greedy bankers: Pretty soon, thou shall have nothing. Keep at it, idiots, until there…
Eye for an eye
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the principle of retributive justice. For other uses, see Mirror punishment, Eye for an eye (disambiguation), and Lex talionis (disambiguation). “An eye for an eye” (Biblical Hebrew: עַיִן תַּחַת עַיִן, Ain takhat ain)[a] is a commandment found in the Book of Exodus 21:23–27 expressing the principle of reciprocal justice measure for measure. The earliest known use of the principle appears in…
Jeff Beck
Geoffrey Arnold Beck (24 June 1944 – 10 January 2023) was an English rock guitarist who rose to prominence with the Yardbirds and afterward fronted the Jeff Beck Group and Beck, Bogert & Appice. In 1975, he switched to a mainly instrumental style with a focus on innovative sound, and his releases spanned genres ranging from blues rock, hard rock, jazz fusion, and a blend of guitar-rock and electronica. Beck ranked in…
Geoffrey Arnold Beck (24 June 1944 – 10 January 2023) was an English rock guitarist who rose to prominence with the Yardbirds and afterward fronted the Jeff Beck Group and Beck, Bogert & Appice. In 1975, he switched to a mainly instrumental style with a focus on innovative sound, and his releases spanned genres ranging from blues rock, hard rock, jazz fusion, and a blend of guitar-rock and electronica. Beck ranked in…
May GOD save his soul. The best guitar player of ALL TIMES. Bar NONE. Geoffrey Arnold Beck (24 June 1944 – 10 January 2023)
The World Cup was rigged
Anyone here has an opinion on how it was rigged? I am waiting for answers.
The age of consent – 18 yrs old?? Another BS
Girls, women, are sexually active at age 12-13. While a 21 years boy, gets involved with a 17 years girl, he can be put in jail, for statutory rape. Why not be more realistic, and lower that age to 16 years old. ???? Who decides the age of consent.???
The age of drinking BS
You can send 18 years old youngsters to die in foreign wars, and yet, do not allow them to have a beer until they are 21??? WHO the F..k writes these LAWS???
Obesity Machine…
Hi-Tech Mass Deception
Indoctrinated by the adored and the abhorred
Who Really Controls the World?
The LORD’s PRAYER – For generation “Z”
In case you did not know, please learn this prayer: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom…
The clitoris has 10,000 nerve endings. Here’s why experts say the discovery is ‘just the beginning’ for sexual health
Kaitlin Reilly Mon, November 21, 2022 at 9:47 AM A new study on the clitoris found that the organ has 10,000 nerve fibers. (Photo: Getty) When it comes to sexual pleasure, there’s one spot on the female anatomy that tends to get the most attention: the clitoris. Yet despite the clitoris’s association with orgasms and female pleasure, not much is known about the organ. For years, the clitoris was said…
BEWARE — Get your Gas Lamps ready
Be prepared to start reading in the dark, if you can. Otherwise, get your gas lamps ready as of right now. This way, you may start reading all those books, that you never gave a damn about. Also, learn your MORSE code, while you still exist. CIAO, PEACE…and PARA BELLUM.
Dracula’s Castle Radio – Please tune in
Dracula’s Castle Radio
TO the USURPERS…of Los Angeles…
Thou shall be uncovered and prosecuted. PERIOD. usurpers
THE SONG OF SONGS The Song of Songs, or Song of Solomon, is one of the Wisdom Books in the Writings of Hebrew Scripture, along with Psalms, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes. The Greek Septuagint Old Testament and the Latin Vulgate also included the Books of Wisdom and Sirach (Ben Sira). The Song of Songs is truly one of the most beautiful love poems ever written. The song describes the courtship…
Iatrophobia (eye-AT-rah-FO-bee-ah) – No more visits to the doctor
People with iatrophobia (eye-AT-rah-FO-bee-ah) have an extreme fear of doctors or medical tests. The word originates from “iatros,” the Greek word for healer, and “phobos,” which means fear. Someone with iatrophobia may refuse to seek medical attention even when they’re very sick or showing signs of a serious illness. Nowadays, after the VACCINES F..UP, how do the doctors survive anymore?? Out of their stashed millions, perhaps, and for how long??
To the new KING.. Charles III..

Long live the KING. A message from your subjects, and others: May your Majesty help prosper your nation (UK), and others. May You be the Wisest and the most wise of all the kings prior to your Majesty’s Coronation. Our deepest condolences for the loss of your mother. Queen Elizabeth II. May God bless her, and take care of her soul. As God usually DOES. LONG LIVE the KING !!
The Trap – The Brand New Book By David Icke – OUT NOW

David Icke’s The Biggest Secret, first published in 1998, has been called the ‘Rosetta Stone’ of the conspiracy movement for the way it exposed how the pieces fit and the nature of the force behind human control. The Trap is the ‘Rosetta Stone’ of illusory reality and opens the door to freedom in its greatest sense.
Flying Scarecrow – Even scarier…

Do you remember “Scarecrow” movie, Al Pacino and Gene Hackman, 1973 ?? Here is the RESULT:
Queen Elizabeth II – R.I.P. – September 8th, 2022

Elizabeth II, in full Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, officially Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other realms and territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, (born April 21, 1926, London, England—died September 8, 2022, Balmoral Castle, Aberdeenshire, Scotland), queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from February 6, 1952, to…
Disclaimer: This web site’s hosting company, together with the owner and webmaster of do not endorse any advertising and/or are not responsible for the content of the messages posted on this board. Contacting people who choose to post their personal information here is not recommended. Dracula’s Castle web site shall not be held responsible for any wrong doings derived from communications among users/visitors of this site. Furthermore, the opinions…
Heterophobia or Fear of Heterosexuals: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Reviewed By: Pramod Kerkar, M.D., FFARCSI, DA What is Heterophobia or Fear of Heterosexuals? Sometimes some bad experience with heterosexual coupling might develop a fear in the homosexual or a bisexual about them. This irrational fear about the heterosexuals felt by the homosexuals and bisexuals is known as heterophobia or fear of heterosexuals. We often hear the term homophobic or you can find homophobic people in your daily lives where…
Hiram Abiff – The story
Some Masonic History.
To the Romanian GOV: YOU should be replaced ASAP.
You people are sucking the Romanian economy, are depleting Romanian resources and you don’t give a DAMN about Romanian people, or sports. Please acknowledge the medals obtained by ALL Romanian sports men and women. Mr. President, Johannis: Are U AWAKE ??? That fellow, Novak..should go back to his cave (Secuime), where he came from. Shame on the Romanian Government, as usual. A bunch of bishnitzari ordinari, including the President.
Frigidity in women – what is it and how to get rid of anorgasmia?
You either return the tax you collected from users, or face IRS. We know you collected those taxes, for whatever reasons. Where did you hide the money, AMAZON?
BEETHOVEN Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
The ONLY VIOLIN Concerto by Beethoven. And IT IS THE BEST.
Current Doomsday Clock
Seconds to MIDNIGHT. Sheeple, RISE UP, before too late.
Geo Engineering WATCH
For those of you, who are clueless, here is the PROOF in the Pudding:
2000 Mules -Try to watch it before it’s Censored

2000 Mules domain name for sale
Make an offer that cannot be refused :
Sports in the U.S.A.
Glory to all US Olympians and all medal holders in any and all sports !! We know how you sacrificed your youth plans, to become Olympic medalists. You gave up your families for a while. You gave up your College dreams for a while. You gave up your youth, for a while. Hats off to all of you !!! You deserve all the glory, bar none. However, when it comes…
To ALL HAM Radio OP’s – Please help
To our dear HAM Operators: Please help with your INPUT, on this page, or on this page: Please email to: for account activation. When all is said and DONE, you are THE only communication device, bar NONE. Thank you ALL. Val R
F – New World Order & Europe
Ukraine On Fire documentary

Ukraine. Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014’s Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. But was it? “Ukraine on Fire” by Igor Lopatonok.. An OLIVER STONE…
“Daddy Warbucks” of Drugs and Death – CFR member George Soros
The Havana Syndrome
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Havana Syndrome Hotelnacionale.jpg The Hotel Nacional in Havana is one of the locations where the syndrome has reportedly been experienced.[1] Symptoms hearing a sudden loud noise, pain in one or both ears, feeling of pressure or vibrations in the head, tinnitus, visual problems, vertigo, nausea, cognitive difficulties,[2] sleep deprivation/insomnia,[3] fatigue and dizziness.[4] Causes Not definitively determined[5][6][7][8][9] Havana syndrome is…
State of California denying stimulus checks to seniors.
The state of California denied stimulus $600 check (II) to senior citizens. The State of California should revise their COMMUNIST policies. For all the mass media out there, please contact us:
Novak Djokovic news LIVE: World No 1 reportedly ‘arrested’ after winning visa appeal ahead of Australian Open
Un alt TAROMIST dus

John (Ionel) Tanase – Decedat acest weekend, November, 6, 2021, la 72 de ani. Comotie cerebrala. Fost comandant de Tupolev 154 la TAROM. Si mai apoi, in US, comandant la DC 10, B-727, B-737, pentru United Airlines. Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca in pace, la dreapta LUI. A fost un OM de OM. Cu o personalitate deosebita, si unica.
Anti-American Americans
Dear Americans, please read the following, from Please zoom in when needed. Anti-American Americans I think I see another motive in the French writers who in 1914 adopted the attitude of M. Romain Rolland — the fear that they would fall into national partiality if they admitted that their nation was in the right. It may be asserted that these writers would have warmly taken up…
The dark side of Karl Marx
To our dear Emma Raducanu.. Acknowledge YOUR DAD.
EMMA, can you please say a few words in ROMANIAN, for your father’s sake?? Who gave you that racket, EMMA?? Who played with you, in the parking lot??
ZEFLEMEAUA, de CAMIL PETRESCU Motto: „Românii e deştepţi!“ Cînd va veni sfîrşitul lumii Românii nu vor fi atenţi Isus a spus: „Talita kumi“ Dar nu pentru inconştienţi. Iar Ziua Domnului, ca hoţul În miez de noapte va sosi Femeia va dormi, iar soţul Reviste porno va citi. N-avem conştiinţa tragediei Şi totul luăm „à la légere“ Noi, campionii băşcăliei Am compromis orice mister. Avem o scuză de faţadă: „Lasă, că…
TWA flight 800 Shut down – Explained – July, 1996
A US Navy screw UP, never acknowledged and/or admitted.
New Zealand – “ALL BLACKS” Rugby team
What is this?? Why don’t they kneel before the game??? They are all HONKIES, Whities, and they call themselves ALL BLACKS??? This is outright discrimination.
The People’s Republic of Kommiefornia, formerly known as California.
Who is controlling the State’s Democratic Governement? Follow the money. Who has the most money in Kommiefornia?? HOLLYWOOD. PERIOD. If you do not believe it, ask Mel Gibson. He will ask you, in return: “Are you Jewish?”. Second best, is Silicon Basin. IT experts and BILLIONAIRES. Ask the surfing brick in the wall, Mr.ZUCK. All of the above bastards, are “DEMOCRATS” because they are PRETENDING to be. Otherwise, they are…
TeleViziuneaRomana(TVR) – Cit de BOLOVANI puteti fii ????
Transmiteti pe Internet numai TVRi?? De ce privati Diaspora de a vedea emisiuni din orasele natale, precum Tirgul-Mures, Craiova, Cluj, Timisoara, etc..etc. Cit de imbecili puteti fii?? Pina si la TVR International, blocati anumite emisiuni (Aceasta emisiune nu are drepturi….bla..bla…) Pffff. Va numiti Televiziune PUBLICA??? Cine va cenzureaza??? Sa stim si noi, ai nostrii, Coana Joitica si ai nostrii. Daca sunteti platiti din bani publici, trebuie sa raspundeti celor ce…
Roger Waters Responds To Mark Zuckerberg’s Request To Use a Pink Floyd song , The Answer Is F You
Mr.ZUCK: You are a PRICK in The WALL.
‘Self-Spreading’ Vaccines Pose Multiple Risks to Society – Including the End of Informed Consent
Texas Bans Businesses From Requiring “Vaccine Passports”
“You’re Emotionally And Mentally Abusing Children”…
Hacker lexicon: What is a supply chain attack?
Judecătoarea Adriana Stoicescu: România trebuie ținută in evul mediu… …pentru că, lăsată să se dezvolte, ar putea hrăni un continent și atunci unde și-ar mai putea vinde bogatășii carnea de plastic și brânza din carton?
The Lottery B.S.
Who’s getting richer and richer?? The LOTTERY OWNERS. Those who collect money and sit on it, while you, beggars and slaves pay for it. Read ON:
This site will help new musicians
New musicians, give this a try: We can promote your music
Homo Homini Lupus Est
From Wikipedia: “Homo homini lupus, or in its unabridged form Homo homini lupus est, is a Latin proverb meaning “A man is a wolf to another man,” or more tersely “Man is wolf to man.” It has meaning in reference to situations where people are known to have behaved in a way comparably in nature to a wolf. The wolf as a creature is thought, in this example, to have…
The Bill of Rights – Period
Mr. President, Congress, and Senate..
Please OBEY the Constitution of The United States of America, as you ALL swore to UPHOLD, upon the BIBLE, when you were installed in your seats. Re-read the amendments: The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws which regulate an establishment of religion, or that would prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the…
Europe migrant crisis
If you don’t like my rebel flag…
Colcăie țara de javre şi putreziciuni
Tucker Carlson: How will Joe Biden’s policies unite America?
Can’t take this shit hands down

Watch “I’m Blocked From Uploading to GooTube” on his site Boycott YouTube. Do look for other channels.
First, they took down FLASH applications…
Then, face book, twittter, and all the other chats available for communications. The Internet ceased to be an interactive media. It turned into a screen, just like the TV was, a while ago. Only the governments could hack into your computer, while you were browsing the so called World Wide Web. If you covered your computer/laptop camera lens, they would arrest you. Same went for disabling your microphones, and clearing…
YO, blm, socialists, communists, antifa…
Be careful what you wish for. It’s going to eat your LUNCH, and sink you. It has been done before, in many a country. Nowadays, it’s up to you, to protect USA. May God help you, and may God help USA.
This is how Internet speed and price in the U.S. compares to the rest of the world
Auld Lang Syne – Happy New Year 2021 !!!
“Auld Lang Syne” (Scots pronunciation: [ˈɔːl(d) lɑŋˈsəin]: note “s” rather than “z”)[1] is a Scots-language poem written by Robert Burns in 1788[2][3] and set to the tune of a traditional folk song (Roud # 6294). It is well known in many countries, especially in the English-speaking world, its traditional use being to bid farewell to the old year at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve. By extension, it…
CUM SA REFUZAM VACCINAREA ABUZIVA PE BAZA LEGILOR si nu numai! Distribuiti pana nu il vor sterge!
Open Letter to Spectrum-Charter
Dear Charter-Spectrum Communications, With all due respect, we have to call your attention to the following facts: 1- We have been users of your Comcast/TWA/Spectrum/Charter services since 1993. You exchanged hands a few times. GRANTED. To avoid Anti Trust Laws, maybe?? 2- While your companies exchanged hands, and/or bought each other, our Internet fees had increased every time. 3- You are providing Internet access for $75.00 a month, for 200…
Ask not…….
What you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you, nowadays.
What NO ONE is Saying About The Lock-downs
“The vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe. If they don’t, then the country is safe.” – Monika Wisniewska, Polish author. Mr. Bill Gates should be injected FIRST, under a third authorized party supervision. Beware of NANO technology, which can be injected, together with the forced vaccination. If they don’t want you to fly, because you did not take the vaccine, do not…
Facts about the Electoral College
Socialists/Communists BEWARE
Defecting/running away from a communist country is tough/hard, and nearly impossible. You cannot get out of that country. They do not give you a passport. When they start taking your passports away and/or blacklist you for not taking the vaccine, start running. Where??? We do not know. Take an inflatable boat to CHINA. However, some of us managed to escape from the communist B.S. in the past. Some others, thousands,…
Plandemic II: Indoctornation

Message to Mr. De Niro
Dear Mr. De Niro, Back in communist Romania, we admired you, for your great CINEMA work. Lately, we admired you from here, within USA, for the same reasons. Nowadays, we think you lost control of yourself, and started deviating from your great path in the past, and/or Dementia/Alzheimer’s is taking over. Why don’t you just lie down and watch your past movies, and stay away from politics?? While you were…
BIG PHARMA – Flu Vaccines
Big PHARMA CEO’s, Shove them up your arses, where the sun don’t shine, and hope you may be alive and kicking, prior to force your piece of s..t products on other people. Big Pharma is conducting a biological warfare, as we speak. Big Pharma is the biggest ENEMY of this world, we live in. People, start questioning Big Pharma. Bring them to justice.
Bohemian Grove
Bohemian Grove is a restricted 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, United States, belonging to a private San Francisco–based gentlemen’s club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a more than two-week encampment of some of the most prominent men in the world.[1][2] The Bohemian Club’s all-male membership includes artists and musicians, as well as many prominent business leaders,…
Electoral Votes vs Popular Votes – Question
So, if the Popular votes do not count, and ONLY the Electoral Votes DO, why should people still vote?????? It seems, the vote was always rigged, for the last 200 years, does it not?? People, the Electoral College (?) elects Presidents, not any of you. Wake UP, already. Here is the DEAL you were not supposed to know: Electoral College ?? Who they are, you are not supposed to know….
Chloroquine, Zinc Tested to Block COVID Infection By Karen Weintraub
hydroxychloroquine + zinc
Who should build extra shelters for homeless in LA??
The City of LA ?? The County of LA??, The Federal Gov?? Hollywood actors, producers, directors?? All of the above ?? Obviously, those with extra money and extra power. Yes. All of the above. So that the Hollywood Stars, shall never be exposed to a third world country environment, while heading to the OSCARS.
These Hollywood bastards.. Pretending to be Democrats
Directors, producers, actors. They all made their millions in a Capitalistic society. And, yet, they pretend to be LIBERALS/Communists ?? We wonder why. Is it to protect their gains, from the lower classes ?? Is it to pretend they fight for lower classes? Or, the homeless? You are not fooling anybody, douche bags. Your mansions, your life styles, shall cease to exist, eventually. In the meanwhile, why don’t you donate…
Thank you, Mr. TRUMP
Thank you for bringing America back to it’s senses. Thank you for building that wall. Thank you for fighting for these USA. Thank you for fighting the LEFTISTS/So called Democrats. These Democrats have lived in this country for ages. How did they manage to get/infiltrate here?? They made their fortunes in a Capitalist society, and yet, they pretend they are Liberals/Communists. What a JOKE. Hypocrites that they are, they continue…
COVID 19 Questions
Shouldn’t there be a Senate investigation into the lives of the following: George Szoros, Windows of OZ (Bill Gates), Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and all their acolytes, such as Big Pharma and the Banking Industry (The Federal Reserve Board)?? The above leeches, shall not only destroy the World, but also, their New World Order. Why is Mr Windows of OZ (Bill Gates) getting into the Big Pharma vaccines ?? Well, it seems…
To all the Powers/Bankers That Be…Out there. QUESTION.
Regarding your ill gotten PROFITS, We understand your desire to have Mo Mo money – That desire has been proven many a time. However, why don’t any of you, stop to think for a while? Your assets could be swallowed up at any time, due to different reasons (global warming, floods, riots, wars). WHY in the HELL are you still sucking the lower/middle class, dry??? Is this how you got…
A good advice from Gyuri baci, from Halmeag/Halmágy, RO
“When you think, things are still OK, they are not, anymore”. Think AHEAD.
Innocence Lost
If anyone has any questions in regards to this book, please contact me at 608-957-4815 or by email at Robert V Angel_little
CUM SA REFUZAM VACCINAREA ABUZIVA PE BAZA LEGILOR si nu numai! Distribuiti pana nu il vor sterge!
A wonderful documentary – Historic too.
Can-Can din Romania, after 30 years
Secret police involvement Although he denied it for several years, in 2006 Voiculescu admitted having been a collaborator of the Securitate,[13] Romania’s communist-era internal intelligence service, after information to this effect was released publicly by Romania’s National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives (CNSAS). At the time, Voiculescu was named to be a Vice Premier in the Popescu-Tăriceanu government, but was ultimately not allowed to take the position…
Modern Romania
“Thus, “Modern Romania” here means the modern successor states, first to Rome (“Romania” to itself, “Byzantium” to the historians), second to the Ottoman Empire, which in the 14th and 15th centuries established its domination over all former Roman possessions, and more, in the Eastern Mediterranean. As the Roman successors emerged in the 12th century, so do the Ottoman successors emerge in the 19th century. Familiar states from the earlier period…
Just the beginning..
When thinning the populations, with tricks such as a Virus, Who wins? The bankers, and only ONE Government. One World Order. So, instead of a WAR, here’s a VIRUS for you, mortals. The Bankers shall have their WAY, sooner or later. No more pound of flesh to pay back, no more money, no more food. They shall over pay the Special Forces, in order to bring you DOWN. All over…
There is but one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild. Werner Sombart The Rothschild family is the head of the organization in which I entered in Colorado. All the Occult Brotherhoods are part of it. It is a Lucifer Organization to install his reign in the whole world. … Supposedly the Rothschilds have personal dealings with the Devil. I have personally been in his villa and have experienced it….
Mesaj pentru ROMANIAN GOV. – Treziti-va !!
Guvernului Romanesc de 30 de ani si de KAKA, Dupa ce veti inceta sa va certati intre voi, veti muri si voi si copii vostri si toata tara Romaneasca. Capsomani ce ati fost, si sunteti, inca nu ati aflat ca nu luati NIMIC cu voi in mormint?? Lacomii DREAKULUI. NU v-a spus nimeni asta, bolshevicilor? Securisti imputiti si intinati, javre de oameni, voi si copii vostri. Cine va mai tine…
Reviewing the History of Pandemic Influenza: Understanding Patterns of Emergence and Transmission
Pathogens. 2016 Dec; 5(4): 66. Published online 2016 Dec 6. doi: 10.3390/pathogens5040066 PMCID: PMC5198166 PMID: 27929449 Reviewing the History of Pandemic Influenza: Understanding Patterns of Emergence and Transmission Patrick R. Saunders-Hastings* and Daniel Krewski Lawrence S. Young, Academic Editor Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Go to: Abstract For centuries, novel strains of influenza have emerged to…
Hollybooed. Tinseltown’s circling the drain as far as I’m concerned.
Ecce homo. A man for all seasons.
OOB – Out of Body
Can you FLY? Can you go places? Can you relate back what you saw? Can you Remote View anything? Please let us know.
Sanremo 2020 – I Ricchi e Poveri: “Se m’innamoro – Sarà perché ti amo – Mamma Maria”
Mail servers into the CLOUD and SYNC THIS.
SYNC this into your CLOUD: Mail servers are supposed to be fast and secure. Not anymore. Some smart ass decided they are more secure into the cloud. What a GAS. Total slow down and CRAP all around, until it hits the fan. Most of the System Admins do not want to tackle the mail servers. LOSERS. We are also LOSERS for putting up with these CLOUD MAIL SERVERS. The SYNC…
To: The US Justice Department RE. Internet availability
To whom it may concern: AT&T/Road Runner/Comcast/Time/Warner-Spectrum-Charter & All These entities control most of the Internet access in the USA. Not only do they over charge their users, while they cannot provide up to date Download speeds, but they also MONOPOLIZE and control Internet access over wide areas. No competition/choice whatsoever. People are stuck with their providers and pay whatever those monopolizing entities ask, raising their fees year after year….
Question for WordPress:
When is Google and/or Facebook going to buy you OUT? That is when I will shut this site down, and tell everybody to RUN for their lives.
To: Simona Halep
Simona Halep: The first winning LOB we have seen in 5 years. Congrats. Keep on keeping ON. ROCK ON!
To the USA ISP’s: You are being watched/evaluated
The SPECTRUM/Charter deal, for whom it may concern. In Southern California, and all over USA, all is done by controlling territories, just like in the good old days. AT&T has its share of Monopoly, and so do Spectrum/Charter Communications. Internet users/customers of the above entities have no other choice, but to comply with the rising costs of Internet access, in these forsaken states of US of America. Most of Eastern…
The SPECTRUM/Charter deal, for whom it may concern
In Southern California, and all over USA, all is done by controlling territories, just like in the good old days. AT&T has its share of Monopoly, and so do Spectrum/Charter Communications. Internet users/customers of the above entities have no other choice, but to comply with the rising costs of Internet access, in these forsaken states of US of America. Most of Eastern Europe, and Asia, have much lower costs for…
Kind people amongst the psychos we call “bosses” (video in English)
Om de afaceri oferă câte 45.000 de euro angajaţilor ca bonus de Sărbători
Message to Paul BEZA
Hello AZEB, Please drop a message to the webmaster. Could not, and would not, contact you on the the pitiful Facebook. Thank you, Sir. Val R
Message to VIO – Editor of this site
My dear VIO, Multzam pentru toate cele postate de tine. Se pare ca ai devenit foarte ACTIV, in ultimul timp. Jos palaria. Esti atit de prolific, incit, cititorii nu mai au timp sa citeasca. Ce ai fumat in ultimul timp?? Trimite si mie ceva
O poezie
Aceasta poezie sta scrisa la intrarea in biserica de la Sadinca , jud. Sibiu , loc unde s-au pus bazele unei mici manastiri condusa de parintele-calugar David. Atat de frumoasa pe cat de adevarata. “Un lung tren ne pare viata. Ne trezim in el mergand, Fara sa ne dam noi seama, Unde ne-am suit si cand. Fericirile sunt halte, Unde stam cate-un minut, Pana bine ne dam seama, Suna, pleaca,…
Guvernele sunt îndeobște conduse de psihopați, insensibili la suferințele pe care le provoacă semenilor–vie%C8%9Bii
Pagina de istorie: Masacrul de la Fântâna Albă, un Katyn românesc
From The Rights of Man, by Thomas Paine
CHAPTER II. OF THE ORIGIN OF THE PRESENT OLD GOVERNMENTSIt is impossible that such governments as have hitherto existed in the world, could have commenced by any other means than a total violation of every principle sacred and moral. The obscurity in which the origin of all the present old governments is buried, implies the iniquity and disgrace with which they began. The origin of the present government of America…
Democracy: The Bigger It Gets, the Worse It Gets
The Rights of Man trampled under the hooves of beasts.
Great part of that order which reigns among mankind is not the effect of government. It has its origin in the principles of society and the natural constitution of man. It existed prior to government, and would exist if the formality of government was abolished. The mutual dependence and reciprocal interest which man has upon man, and all the parts of civilised community upon each other, create that great chain…
Open letter to….
Open LETTER to: by Vlad » 21 May 2007 06:19 BBC, CNN, EU and Ro Gov: “To whom it may concern, This is to report a critical situation regarding today’s Romanian Government attitude towards Romanian Diaspora. Background. There are millions of Romanians living outside Romania’s border. Most of them chose to Self EXILE during the communist era, between 1945 and 1989. They represent the Romanian Diaspora. They established themselves throughout…
Motivul pentru care I.L.Caragiale a parasit RO
Cutremurator….urmașii nu se dezmint Motivul pentru care Ion Luca Caragiale a părăsit România și a ales să moară în Germania. GALERIE FOTOFotografie istorică: George Coșbuc, Elena Vaida Voievod, dr. Ciuta (Bistrița), Alex. Vaida-Voievod, I.L. Caragiale la Karlsbad, în Germania, în 1911 (de la stânga la dreapta) Se împlinesc pe 1 februarie 167 de ani de la nașterea celui „mai mare dramaturg român”, după cum îl numea George Călinescu pe Ion…
Send the mothers home
Iranian Officials Called ‘Hypocrites’ for Sending Their Families to Study and Work in ‘Great Satan’
Meet and greet Caitlin Johnstone
Assorted Thoughts On Politics, Humanity, And The World
Did you know? Did you forget? Do you conveniently ignore it?
The Cross – Heaven For Everyone (Official Video)
Nu creşte inima-n voi, Români furați şi mințiți?
Make a movie? “Life After Death”?
Murdered man’s body found after tree ‘unusual for the area’ grew from seed in his stomach
TeleViziuneaRomana(TVR) – Cit de BOLOVANI puteti fii ????
Transmiteti pe Internet numai TVRi?? De ce privati Diaspora de a vedea emisiuni din orasele natale, precum Tirgul-Mures, Craiova, Cluj, Timisoara, etc..etc. Cit de imbecili puteti fii?? Pina si la TVR International, blocati anumite emisiuni (Aceasta emisiune nu are drepturi….bla..bla…) Pffff. Va numiti Televiziune PUBLICA??? Cine va cenzureaza??? Sa stim si noi, ai nostrii, Coana Joitica si ai nostrii. Daca sunteti platiti din bani publici, trebuie sa raspundeti celor ce…
The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group
Originile comuniste ale grupului extremist Antifa—266098
…and why Trump hits China and Canada for dumping and protectionism
Everything is a lie. Well, not exactly everything, just the important stuff.
Everything is a Lie – Max Igan
Romanian white-hat hackers
The adventures of lab ED011—“Nobody would be able to duplicate what happened there”
Radio ‘Free Europe’ and ‘Voice of America’ Redux
CIA Front Staffed by Ex-Nazis: US Government Propaganda Agency Rebrands
Linux breaks Windows, window pane by window pane. Paneful.
Zorin OS 12.4 Linux distribution is here — switch from Microsoft Windows 10 now!
10 Ways You’re Being Watched by the Government
“Privacy’s been dead for years because we can’t risk it. The only privacy that’s left is the inside of your head. Maybe that’s enough.” Thomas Reynolds in Enemy of the State
Romgleza, nici pasare, nici peshte…+gafeaza
Andrei Pleşu: Neologismele Secretarele nu-şi mai spun decât manager assistant. Cizmarii şi chiloţarii sunt designeri. Mă aşteptam să fie vorba de crize de aclimatizare şi de micile noastre snobisme de cetăţeni ai unei ţări mici, dar vioaie. Nici gând. S-a ajuns la un nou limbaj de lemn, neologistic, întrebuinţat pe la posturi de radio şi de televiziune, iar cuvinte româneşti cât se poate de utile sunt înlocuite prosteşte de persoane…
Simona’s first Grand Slam – Roland Garros 2018
Congratulations to a great fighter !! WAY to GO SIMONA !
Ce aiurea e mâncarea în Olanda! Și în tot vestul. Numai Italia se salvează, în rest numa’ carton, ca și ăla din cofrajele de ouă. Pământul e și el vai steaua lui! Ce au vesticii e din furat – colonii și teritorii de la vecini – e la mintea cocosului. De ce au colonii?! Pentru că s-au dus peste alții la furat, că acasă nu aveau. Românii au avut, așa…
Texting while driving
I have seen bikers texting while riding among people, in Huntington Beach, back in 2011. While this can become a some kind of an EXERCISE in Multi-Tasking, the accidents shall keep on happening. When texting while driving ends up in an accident, BINGO. MORONS, do not kill other people, while texting, A- HOLES.
USA Health Care – The best in the WORLD
With all due respect to the American Health Care Community, The US Health Care is over inflated, fat and DIABETIC. Insurance companies are getting FATTER. Big Pharma is getting too FAT. Doctors in the USA are millionaires, and the public at large are NOT getting the proper medical assistance that they need. Why?? Because Insurance companies are in the WAY. Back in time, in the early 1980’s, whoever had Medicare…
Cum i-au exploatat rominii pe romi secole de-a rindul.
Cum i-au exploatat romanii pe romi secole de-a randul. Erau batuti, ucisi si vanduti, femeile erau abuzate sexual Cosmin Patrascu Zamfirache, Romii au avut secole de-a randul statut de robi in Principatele Romane. Daca unii erau lasati sa-si castige existenta cu o relativa libertate, altii erau exploatati crunt, inclusiv sexual, de boierii romani. Romii sau tiganii, asa cum erau cunoscuti in evul mediu romanesc, au intrat pe diferite filiere pe…
Nosy Windows and handy remedies. However, Linux is the antidote, no ifs and buts about it. Privacy? I don’t have anything to hide. Over the last 16 months, as I’ve debated this issue around the world, every single time somebody has said to me, “I don’t really worry about invasions of privacy because I don’t have anything to hide.” I always say the same thing to them. I get out a pen, I write down my email address. I say, “Here’s my email address. What…
To Facebookers.
Who said that? Are you positive?
Blestem de om cu inima frinta.
Think. It is not illegal. Yet.
Being fined for not having health insurance – OBAMA CARE
USA FINED me $405 for not having insurance for 7 months in 2017. May GOD Bless AMERICA, and the idiots who rule it.
Message to the State of California -Wasted water…YOU ARE WASTING WATER
With all due respect, Drought?? Why are you helping the drought by not taking measures against it? You need mo money, mo money, mo money?? This great Golden State (including Gov.Brown) should start capturing rain water ASAP, rather than letting it go down the drain, into the ocean. DWP and EDISON, should start re-investing some of the collected money into capturing/collecting RAIN WATER, prior to dictating how many times users…
Homo homini lupus est
From Wikipedia: “Homo homini lupus, or in its unabridged form Homo homini lupus est, is a Latin proverb meaning “A man is a wolf to another man,” or more tersely “Man is wolf to man.” It has meaning in reference to situations where people are known to have behaved in a way comparably in nature to a wolf. The wolf as a creature is thought, in this example, to have…
List of World War II flying aces from Romania
List of World War II flying aces from Romania
Telegonia, o teorie A B S O L U T naucitoare !!!
Telegonia: Primul partener din viata unei femei este tatal genetic al copiilor sai Telegonia este o teorie, demonstrată cu ajutorul geneticii, care susţine că primul partener sexual din viaţa unei femei este tatăl genetic al copiilor sai. De aici reiese ideea că, indiferent de bărbatul cu care o femeie face copii, tatăl biologic de drept este primul partener din viaţa acesteia, ba, mai mult fiecare, partener sexual contribuie la dezvoltarea…
Un Sarb, despre unguri
Un sârb, despre unguri Un profesor de istorie sârb din Voivodina, aflat zilele trecute la Satu Mare, a transmis redacţiei o reacţie pe marginea articolului “Afront adus românilor pe bani europeni”, apărut în numărul din 4.12.2012 al Gazetei de Nord Vest. Reproducem integral textul transmis de profesorul sârb Miodrag Stanojevic: “Mă numesc Miodrag Stanojevic, sunt sârb din Vojvodina şi profesor de istorie în Novi Sad. Aflându-mă într-o călătorie către Ucraina,…
King Michael of Romania

Michael I (Romanian: Mihai I [miˈhaj]; 25 October 1921 – 5 December 2017) reigned as the King of Romania from 20 July 1927 to 8 June 1930 and again from 6 September 1940 until his abdication on 30 December 1947. Shortly after Michael’s birth, his father Prince Carol had become involved in a controversial relationship with Magda Lupescu. In 1925, Carol was eventually pressured to renounce his rights to…
Sopranica is a surveillance-free cellular network built by volunteers from around the world. It’s easy to use and free to set up.
Allowing comments from readers who don’t trust Facebook and Google.
Do you really need to cover your laptop camera?
Do you really need to cover the camera on your laptop? Aleksandar Puharic, Just an IT guy Updated Dec 26 2016 My fiancée is really paranoid about this matter. Since I met her for first time, she was always covering her camera. I was always laughing at her…. One evening, my fiancée and I were watching a movie on her laptop, when we noticed that the camera LED occasionally turns…
Alexandra Nechita – Portrait of Little Picasso Her Official website: ANechita official site
Divorce CORP – Things you should have known when you got married. Too late NOW.
Exposing this VIDEO is our DUTY to the “LOSERS” out there. People are being robbed of their money. Their children being taken away. And, or worse, being split between their parents. A 50 Billion per year INDUSTRY. Children of DIVORCE should be helped money wise by the FRAUDULENT system that divorced their parents. ENJOY/or NOT this:
Problems Signing UP?? READ ON
In case you cannot register to post your comment, please contact Otherwise you are just readers of this website. Thank you.
Shortwave Radio DEAD??
Why is shortwave radio dead since about 2010??? MEMORIZE THIS: We shall be reduced to these kind of communications, and also to oil lamps, just like in the Middle Ages. God Bless us ALL.
Health Care in the USA
Health care in the USA is way too expensive for the middle class, and worse for the poor. A couple jumped out the window, in Manhattan, because of the MEDICAL BILLS. Medical institution in the USA is BIG BUSINESS. Millionaire Doctors, feeding BigPharma pills to their patients. Doctors and Hospitals are OVERPAID. Period. Insurance companies ripping the benefit. IT IS ALL A MONEY MAKING SCHEME. DO not trust your DOCTOR…
The BIO of a REPTILIAN LIFE MAGAZINE THE SNARLING DEATH OF ROY M. COHN Elevated by Joe McCarthy, felled by AIDS, he went with no regrets March 1988 By Nicholas von Hoffman 207S-004-03A Four months before the end, a haggard Cohn posed willingly, just as he’d sought the spotlight with McCarthy 35 years earlier. A the time of his death on August 2, 1986, Roy Cohn was 59 and a generation had come…
Remote controlled aircrafts (heavies)

This was back in 1984. Remote controlled tests go back to 1975 and before that. 09/11, 2001, was just another exercise. A walk in the park. Deny, if you can.
Dracula’s Castle RADIO
Dracula’s Castle RADIO Open with your favorite media player by inserting this into the OPEN URL section of your player: Or, else click here:
Cat’s out of the bag, the Left forged signatures, we, the people — left holding the bag.
Wikipedia or Leftypedia? Two of my few acquaintances, J. and E., swear by this left-leaning source of knowledge. Whenever I counteract their ridiculous statements with my own rebuttal, they right away pull out their smart phones, consult this dumb overrated oracle, and hit me with a sorry shot that falls impotently at my feet. Yes, there is such a site as Leftypedia: “Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink”. Sadly,…
Truth doesn’t mind being called “conspiracy”
My SSA benefits have been suspended (true, not a story) I receive those paltry “benefits” on the 3rd of each month, but something happened and it broke my heart to find out the reason why: failure to return form SSA-7162. I did not return it because I did not receive it at my new address, which an SSA employee refused to accept over the phone. To change it on their site is impossible because, as some of you know,…
Just for laughs and gags