Open LETTER to:

by Vlad » 21 May 2007 06:19 BBC, CNN, EU and Ro Gov:
“To whom it may concern,
This is to report a critical situation regarding today’s Romanian Government attitude towards Romanian Diaspora.
There are millions of Romanians living outside Romania’s border.
Most of them chose to Self EXILE during the communist era, between 1945 and 1989. They represent the Romanian Diaspora.
They established themselves throughout the World: US, CANADA, Australia, West European countries, etc.
Any and all of them have dramatic stories to tell regarding their escape
from communist Romania, when borders were closed and the population was kept under house/country arrest, no passports being issued by the communist regime.
Prior to 1989, the Romanian communist regime was being courteous and
flattering towards the Romanian Diaspora, since they realized that
the Diaspora could help the Romanian cause and pull strings from the
Romanian passports were granted to those who chose NOT to give up the
Romanian Citizenship, under the title:”Romanian Citizen, established
The Romanian Government after the 1989 Coup-D’etat, even granted ALL
Romanian BORN from all over the world, Automatic CITIZENSHIP,
regardless of their STATUS towards the old Romanian Gov.
Whenever there was a regional/border issue raised either by Hungary or
Russia, we, the Diaspora, were spammed with mail from the Romanian Embassy and Consulates, asking us to support the Romanian cause.
Nowadays, and ever since Romania re-joined the EU (January 1st, 2007),
ATTITUDES have changed.
All of a sudden, all Romanians established outside Romania are NOW under suspicion and their Romanian Passports are not being renewed anymore. Not in a decent, normal fashion, anyway.
Once a native of one country on this PLANET EARTH, one would think that
citizenship is granted by virtue of a Birth Certificate registered in that
Not in Romania. Not anymore. Romania is playing its native citizens as IT
It seems there is a lot of communist debris left in that country,
who are not willing to let go their SECURITATE past life.
This is not only unacceptable from a human point of view, but also by any
WESTERN standards, including EU.
Please feel free to investigate this issue, as it becomes more and more
obvious that, the actual Romanian Government is more and more abusive
towards its citizens living abroad.
Let it be known, that the Romanian government does not recognize any marriages outside Romanian territory, nor do they recognize any official document produced by US, and/or notarized by a US Notary Public, except the US passport. These official US documents include US marriage/divorce certificates, US Citizenship Certificates etc, etc., unless they are being apostilled (a drawn out process, requiring extra fees and extra time to obtain).
This Romanian government has the audacity to request that the Romanian citizens travel to US without a visa.
We ask the Romanian government: Should the US passports also be apostatized ????? !!!
Shame on the ROMANIAN government. A SAD reminder of the communism of 1989.
P.S. Please contact us if you need more details and actual evidence.
Courtesy of