FLASH DOWN – Message to Adobe

You help build the NET, and then take it DOWN?? A-HOLES.

This article has 1 Comment

  1. Krx
    November 16, 2020 at 8:24 am

    As ex Flash developer I must say that I’m sad.
    Ive spent years creating flash games, banners, websites, educational programs for kids. I’ve invested so much of time into learning AS 1, 2, 3, online courses, books, bought paper stuff. I am versed in html, vector illustrations, photoshop, photography and other multimedia stuff, so I could offer and create almost everything needed online. Creating funny interactive stuff was my hobby and joy.
    Yes Flash had bugs, and security holes, but those could be fixed.
    Never again will we have such tool which could be used by programmers or designers or illustrators and publish it, and it would work on PC, MaC and Linux.
    HTML5 still needs a lot of development to reach even 1/3 of Flash features.
    – People complained about Flash CPU usage. Look at current websites, their CSS and HTML5 animations uses even more CPU
    – People complained about Flash size. Look at current websites, their full page images and backgrounds and videos and scripts consumes much more bandwidth.
    – People complained about flash vulnerabilities. Look at current major CMS platforms, holes and security issues everywhere.
    IMHO Flash was too powerful and Jobs didn’t liked it. He and his army of blog zealots were also powerful and they started anti Flash propaganda which eventually did the job. Adobe arrogance and inertia didn’t help either.
    And there was Microsoft with its Silverlight who was plotting against Flash as well.
    All three combined was too much.
    There are many developers like me which lost a good chunk of their income after anti Flash propaganda started.
    Like them, I also moved on into another fields but I will never work so eagerly and fluently with something else like I used to do with Flash.

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