State Intervention and Anarchy
SPECTRUM Internet OUTAGE in Hollywood, CA
Spectrum Complete INTERNET OUTAGE in Hollywood, CA. May 9th – May 10th – 2024 Started on THU, May 9th at 4 A.M. ——- Still down on FRI, May 10th at 5 P.M. Next ETR – 9 P.M. Recovered at 7:20 PM on FRI, May 10th. 17 hours+ of complete down time.
Nano Drones are watching you and I
This world is circling the drain
Tennessee passes ‘chemtrail’ bill banning airborne chemicals
Tax time: they get a dollar, you–a dime.
The Bill of Rights: What Does it Say?
Narcissists vs Empaths
The Dangerous Relationship Between Empaths & NarcissistsSilvi Saxena MBA, MSW, LSW, CCTP, OSW-C Author: Silvi Saxena, MBA, MSW, LSW, CCTP, OSW-CHeadshot of Naveed Saleh MD, MS Medical Reviewer: Naveed Saleh, MD, MSPublished: September 5, 2023 The relationship between a narcissist and an empath is one-sided, with one partner being the giver and the other taking as much as they can, leaving the other dry. Much like a parasitic relationship, the…