Month: February 2025
How the Hapsburgs inherited Bran Castle.
The real disclaimer about this WP site
Disclaimer: This web site’s hosting company, together with the owner and webmaster of do not endorse any advertising and/or are not responsible for the content of the messages posted on this board by third parties, which includes editors, authors and contributors. Contacting people who choose to post their personal information here is not recommended. Dracula’s Castle web site shall not be held responsible for any wrong doings derived from…
The two previous POSTS were from a fellow who lives outside USA, receiving benefits for the years he worked in the USA.
My SSA benefits have been suspended (true, not a story) I receive those paltry “benefits” on the 3rd of each month, but something happened and it broke my heart to find out the reason why: failure to return form SSA-7162. I did not return it because I did not receive it at my new address, which an SSA employee refused to accept over the phone. To change it on their site is impossible because, as some of you know,…
Just for laughs and gags
Romania, a lost cause..
A country with no direction, except NONE. May God help Romania.
Outstanding debate. Both debaters are Jewish-American.
Andrea, a true-born American, married to Alan, a true-born American too (check out Wikipedia), is leaving Mesenbese (for Romanians only)
Don’t stick to the mass…media
Quote of the Day Perhaps only people who are capable of real togetherness have that look of being alone in the universe. The others have a certain stickiness, they stick to the mass. – D.H. Lawrence
Now Is a Great Time for California [and everyone else] to Secede