I receive those paltry “benefits” on the 3rd of each month, but something happened and it broke my heart to find out the reason why: failure to return form SSA-7162. I did not return it because I did not receive it at my new address, which an SSA employee refused to accept over the phone. To change it on their site is impossible because, as some of you know, the format of that page does not lend itself to accepting the ridiculously long and jail-like “bloc of flats” addresses. The waiting time, upon calling the SSA is over a hundred and twenty minutes. I chose the option to be called by an agent. Nothing happened. I called the Baltimore, MD SSA office, same waiting time, same option. Kevin called me in about two hours and twenty minutes and broke the news. He acceded to taking my new address over the phone. However, I had to call the American Consulate in Romania, where I was advised to download SSA-7162 (which was not on the site and which an employee e-mailed me at once). I filled it out and e-mailed it to the Federal Bureau Unit of the SSA in Naples, Italy. The automated “no-reply” message requested that I refrain from contacting the office sooner than five business days. Surely, I disregarded the request and shot out another inquiry. Same dumb five-day delay. On February 13, an agent rang me up on my cell phone in order to verify and record my new mailing address and to assure me I would be reinstated in another ridiculous five-day period of time. It is February 19, 9:53 PM local time. No word from the FBU, no money. I eventually decided to write Mr. President a letter describing my sad predicament. I sort of hope against hope: it is, after all, a shot in the dark. To hell with them, let brother Musk dismantle the fat cat den of incompetence and waste.