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  1. What did Sigmund Freud mean exactly when he said “America is a mistake, a giant mistake”?
    “There is a well-known irony in the ease and extent of Freud’s American triumph. For he had the utmost disdain and contempt for American life. “America,” he joked, “is a mistake; a gigantic mistake, but a mistake.” He denied “hating” America; he merely “regretted” it. His reasons for his difficulties in adjusting to American customs on his trip in 1909 ranged from the absence of public toilets, the quality of the water and the food, to the more common complaints about America–the manners, the sexual hypocrisy, the general lack of culture, the brash wealth.”
    My own pennyworth of cogitation? Multiculturalism was (still is) a gigantic mistake starting with the fateful moment the idea was gestating in some nook of a leftist propagandist’s brain (for my fellow Romanians, let me say “popogandist”)

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