„Suntem ţara din care Caragiale a fugit exasperat, ţara în care Eminescu şi-a pierdut minţile, ţara care a refuzat, iresponsabil, oferta lui Brâncuşi la bătrâneţe: aceea de a-şi lăsa întreaga operă compatrioţilor săi. Ţara care şi-a omorât elitele în puşcărie, ţara în care n-au mai vrut să se întoarcă Mircea Eliade, Emil Cioran, Eugen Ionescu, George Enescu. Ţara din care pleacă, mereu, tineri excepţionali, şi nu doar să se căpătuiască,…
One nation going under…
When the “pious” rant about God ask it/him/her/they etc. to describe that God if you wish your heart to attack you just for fun.
Reject any AI !
Try to reject any AI pushed on your computer network, or web site. If you can.
5 Unbelievably Stupid Ideas Governments Actually Tried
Corbett • 11/20/2017 • 31 Comments Ask anyone who’s ever worked in the public sector: With a never-ending stream of taxpayer money and no competition in sight, governments are a breeding ground for stupid ideas. In fact, coming up with a list of all the idiocy that governments have inflicted on the world would be an impossible task, so let’s just narrow it down to five really stupid government ideas….
Paradoxul lui Solomon
https://destepti.ro/paradoxul-lui-solomon-de-ce-este-mai-usor-sa-dam-sfaturi-altora-intelepciunea-noastra-este-relativa/ https://bigthink.com/smart-skills/solomons-paradox-psychology/