Pick and choose
Between 65 And Death Many of us are between 65 and death . An old friend sent me this excellent list for aging , and , I have to agree it’s good advice to follow … particularly the item 19 . 01 – It’s time to use the money you saved up . Use it and enjoy it . Don’t just keep it for those who may have no notion…
Were we to kill ourselves the animals we eat, instead of relegating this to slaughterhouses…
Vegan woman, 48, credits diet for youthful looks
SCIENTIFIC studies contradicting the global warming/climate change scare are kept out of the MSM.
“Greta, Chill!”: Trump Taunts Thunberg, Tells Her To ‘Work On Anger Management’; She Replies
Zombienation of a nation.
“Happening Everywhere In Retail” – Home Depot Links Surge In Thefts To Opioid Crisis
Do read this, by all means. We all think the OTHER is a jerk, and vice versa. Will we ever get along?
“The cost of sanity, in this society, is a certain level of alienation”
Brave New World, 2059
> NEWS FROM THE YEAR 2059 > > Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest Country in the world, Mexifornia, formerly known as California. > > White minorities still trying to have English recognized as the third language. > > Spotted Owl plague threatens Northwestern United States crops and livestock. > > Baby conceived naturally! Scientists stumped. > > Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual…
Misterele naucitoare ale micului paris (sic!)
Misterele metroului bucureștean: La Gara de Nord, există o altă gară subterană, umplută cu pământ/ De ce stația de la Romană e atât e îngustă/ Motivul pentru care Ceaușescu nu a vrut metrou în Drumul Taberei
Cocalarii, eroii noii Tziganiade. In sabii sa ne taiem, frateme-leu?
Tetelu dă de pământ cu interlopii din faţa Parlamentului – şi din interior
Tusea aia nu-i de la raceala, Cipriane…
Limitele de poluare au fost depășite în București în 2019. Monitorizarea aerului are mari probleme
Stuck on symmetry? There’s more to life and beauty than meets the biased eye.
Symmetry in Nature: Fundamental Fact or Human Bias?
Tongue-in-cheek or disconnect between tongue ‘n’ brain? Greta, you’ve got a friend!
Emma Thompson foresees people eating pets for ‘protein’ due to ‘climate crisis’