Standing out by sitting down

Jay-z and Beyonce drew attention for staying seated during the national anthem at Super Bowl LIV. (Photo by Ian West/PA Images via Getty Images) (Getty) Un prieten din Canada i-a caracterizat odata pe unii politicieni romini ca fiind niste “c*c**i flausati”. Am incercat sa vizualizez asa ceva, dar n-am reusit. Pina acum. Iata poza unuia, perfecta intruchipare a sintagmei. Cit despre ea: fara speranta Beyonde. (Dau un regat – dupa Brexit…


To: The US Justice Department RE. Internet availability

To whom it may concern: AT&T/Road Runner/Comcast/Time/Warner-Spectrum-Charter & All These entities control most of the Internet access in the USA. Not only do they over charge their users, while they cannot provide up to date Download speeds, but they also MONOPOLIZE and control Internet access over wide areas. No competition/choice whatsoever. People are stuck with their providers and pay whatever those monopolizing entities ask, raising their fees year after year….