Secretele Palatului Parlamentului
Secretele Palatului Parlamentului O idee a regelui Carol al II-lea a fost transformată de Nicolae Ceaușescu în cea mai mare construcție din europa și a doua ca mărime în lume, după Pentagon. Povestea acestei clădiri emblematice a României de astăzi este presărată cu povești triste, date tehnice uimitoare, stafii și mai multe recorduri internaționale. Pe 25 iunie se împlinesc 33 de ani de când s-a pus piatra de temelie a…
To the WEB developers out there..
Dear fellows, Start switching to darker backgrounds. You are blinding your visitors with your “hospital WHITE” web sites. Your WHITE sites are as annoying as pop-ups and pop-under and/or blinking messages. Users are being constantly blinded, at least 8 hours a day. People are beginning to complain about your limited abilities. Please reconsider your web designs. Good Luck.
http://www.maryellenmark.com/text/magazines/life/905W-000-035.html LIFE MAGAZINE THE SNARLING DEATH OF ROY M. COHN Elevated by Joe McCarthy, felled by AIDS, he went with no regrets March 1988 By Nicholas von Hoffman 207S-004-03A Four months before the end, a haggard Cohn posed willingly, just as he’d sought the spotlight with McCarthy 35 years earlier. A the time of his death on August 2, 1986, Roy Cohn was 59 and a generation had come…
125V vs 220V
While the rest of the world is operating with 220V, United States of America is at 125V, all around. The saying goes: “If it works, do not fix IT”. However, when the GRID goes DOWN, GOOD BYE !!. Why does UK/USA use 110/120V and others use 220/240V
We are who we are…
A Venetian mask says it all. ROMANIA, a 3rd world country, pretending to be part of EU. While Romania defended EU, (back in the 15th Century), in Venice, Italy, they were making masks and other things. The EU is a hollow and empty World Order wannabe. A sad TRUTH.
“You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” Morpheus