Good On You, son

Flash goes a little hummingbird a dart and worried threadAt the screen door by his lemon tree out here with the quick and the deadDesigner blinds above LA frame the perfect viewIt’s gonna be another day of sun and shameless blueBy his cutting block the time has come for the fruit there by the juicerHe grinds fresh coffee for himself he’s beaten our producerLa Times lies on the stone warming…


Watch: American Students Support Socialism… But Not When It Comes To Their GPAs Your GPA, or Grade Point Average, is a number that indicates how well or how high you scored in your courses on average. It’s meant to score you (usually on a GPA scale between 1.0 and 4.0) during your studies and shows whether your grades have been high or low overall in your classes. This number is then used to assess whether you meet the standards and expectations set by the…


From The Rights of Man, by Thomas Paine

CHAPTER II. OF THE ORIGIN OF THE PRESENT OLD GOVERNMENTSIt is impossible that such governments as have hitherto existed in the world, could have commenced by any other means than a total violation of every principle sacred and moral. The obscurity in which the origin of all the present old governments is buried, implies the iniquity and disgrace with which they began. The origin of the present government of America…