Ion Antonescu (June 2, 1882, Pitesti – June 1, 1946, Jilava Prison) Famous personality of his times, head of the Romanian state in times of sad memory, Maresal Ion Antonescu represented for Romania’s history an ever-living example of human morality and dignity, a fighting spirit in the accomplishment of the country’s aspirations, which he so proudly represented. Though a career military, and not a politician, he understood very well the…
O poezie
Aceasta poezie sta scrisa la intrarea in biserica de la Sadinca , jud. Sibiu , loc unde s-au pus bazele unei mici manastiri condusa de parintele-calugar David. Atat de frumoasa pe cat de adevarata. “Un lung tren ne pare viata. Ne trezim in el mergand, Fara sa ne dam noi seama, Unde ne-am suit si cand. Fericirile sunt halte, Unde stam cate-un minut, Pana bine ne dam seama, Suna, pleaca,…
Are “Conspiracy Theories” Tearing Society Apart Or Saving Us From Destruction? “First, leftists incessantly refer to our society as a “democracy”, I think because they believe if they tell the lie enough it will become reality by default. The US was never intended to be a “democracy”, but a Republic, and with good reason. Democracy requires blind and often misplaced faith in the system. A Republic requires constant vigilance and healthy skepticism. In a Republic, we are not supposed to…