“Tot ce am învățat, într-un an, cât am stat ca român printre unguri”
Voodoo Child
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UOhCAuJay8 Unable to watch it in your country? Copy link and paste it in your other browser(s). Opera has VPN and may work. Tor browser may work, too.
Trotinetisti, biciclisti si masini pe trotoar
USA ISP’s – You are being watched and evaluated
USA ISP’s: You are over charging your users. BE AWARE. Internet BILL is overpriced in these US of A.. Providers do not PROVIDE. They just pickpocket you. And, since it is a legitimate business, nobody puts them up against the wall, but protect them. F–k MONOPOLY (the real deal, not the game), and f–k ANTI-TRUST laws that are not being enforced. Cable industry is losing money, while Internet industry is…
Blugi care cauzează accidente
Standing out by sitting down
Jay-z and Beyonce drew attention for staying seated during the national anthem at Super Bowl LIV. (Photo by Ian West/PA Images via Getty Images) (Getty) Un prieten din Canada i-a caracterizat odata pe unii politicieni romini ca fiind niste “c*c**i flausati”. Am incercat sa vizualizez asa ceva, dar n-am reusit. Pina acum. Iata poza unuia, perfecta intruchipare a sintagmei. Cit despre ea: fara speranta Beyonde. (Dau un regat – dupa Brexit…
Trump, in Super Bowl interview with Sean Hannity, predicts fall of Pelosi: ‘Radical left is gonna take over’
“Glutamatul de sodiu, mit şi realitate” (Pentru edificare).