Author: High5
To our dear Emma Raducanu.. Acknowledge YOUR DAD.
EMMA, can you please say a few words in ROMANIAN, for your father’s sake?? Who gave you that racket, EMMA?? Who played with you, in the parking lot??
New Zealand – “ALL BLACKS” Rugby team
What is this?? Why don’t they kneel before the game??? They are all HONKIES, Whities, and they call themselves ALL BLACKS??? This is outright discrimination.
The People’s Republic of Kommiefornia, formerly known as California.
Who is controlling the State’s Democratic Governement? Follow the money. Who has the most money in Kommiefornia?? HOLLYWOOD. PERIOD. If you do not believe it, ask Mel Gibson. He will ask you, in return: “Are you Jewish?”. Second best, is Silicon Basin. IT experts and BILLIONAIRES. Ask the surfing brick in the wall, Mr.ZUCK. All of the above bastards, are “DEMOCRATS” because they are PRETENDING to be. Otherwise, they are…
TeleViziuneaRomana(TVR) – Cit de BOLOVANI puteti fii ????
Transmiteti pe Internet numai TVRi?? De ce privati Diaspora de a vedea emisiuni din orasele natale, precum Tirgul-Mures, Craiova, Cluj, Timisoara, etc..etc. Cit de imbecili puteti fii?? Pina si la TVR International, blocati anumite emisiuni (Aceasta emisiune nu are drepturi….bla..bla…) Pffff. Va numiti Televiziune PUBLICA??? Cine va cenzureaza??? Sa stim si noi, ai nostrii, Coana Joitica si ai nostrii. Daca sunteti platiti din bani publici, trebuie sa raspundeti celor ce…
Roger Waters Responds To Mark Zuckerberg’s Request To Use a Pink Floyd song , The Answer Is F You
Mr.ZUCK: You are a PRICK in The WALL.