Mesaj pentru ROMANIAN GOV. – Treziti-va !!

Guvernului Romanesc de 30 de ani si de KAKA, Dupa ce veti inceta sa va certati intre voi, veti muri si voi si copii vostri si toata tara Romaneasca. Capsomani ce ati fost, si sunteti, inca nu ati aflat ca nu luati NIMIC cu voi in mormint?? Lacomii DREAKULUI. NU v-a spus nimeni asta, bolshevicilor? Securisti imputiti si intinati, javre de oameni, voi si copii vostri. Cine va mai tine…


Reviewing the History of Pandemic Influenza: Understanding Patterns of Emergence and Transmission

Pathogens. 2016 Dec; 5(4): 66. Published online 2016 Dec 6. doi: 10.3390/pathogens5040066 PMCID: PMC5198166 PMID: 27929449 Reviewing the History of Pandemic Influenza: Understanding Patterns of Emergence and Transmission Patrick R. Saunders-Hastings* and Daniel Krewski Lawrence S. Young, Academic Editor Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Go to: Abstract For centuries, novel strains of influenza have emerged to…


USA ISP’s – You are being watched and evaluated

USA ISP’s: You are over charging your users. BE AWARE. Internet BILL is overpriced in these US of A.. Providers do not PROVIDE. They just pickpocket you. And, since it is a legitimate business, nobody puts them up against the wall, but protect them. F–k MONOPOLY (the real deal, not the game), and f–k ANTI-TRUST laws that are not being enforced. Cable industry is losing money, while Internet industry is…


To the USA ISP’s: You are being watched/evaluated

The SPECTRUM/Charter deal, for whom it may concern. In Southern California, and all over USA, all is done by controlling territories, just like in the good old days. AT&T has its share of Monopoly, and so do Spectrum/Charter Communications. Internet users/customers of the above entities have no other choice, but to comply with the rising costs of Internet access, in these forsaken states of US of America. Most of Eastern…