Month: May 2018
USA Health Care – The best in the WORLD
With all due respect to the American Health Care Community, The US Health Care is over inflated, fat and DIABETIC. Insurance companies are getting FATTER. Big Pharma is getting too FAT. Doctors in the USA are millionaires, and the public at large are NOT getting the proper medical assistance that they need. Why?? Because Insurance companies are in the WAY. Back in time, in the early 1980’s, whoever had Medicare…
Cum i-au exploatat rominii pe romi secole de-a rindul.
Cum i-au exploatat romanii pe romi secole de-a randul. Erau batuti, ucisi si vanduti, femeile erau abuzate sexual Cosmin Patrascu Zamfirache, Romii au avut secole de-a randul statut de robi in Principatele Romane. Daca unii erau lasati sa-si castige existenta cu o relativa libertate, altii erau exploatati crunt, inclusiv sexual, de boierii romani. Romii sau tiganii, asa cum erau cunoscuti in evul mediu romanesc, au intrat pe diferite filiere pe…
The Gala in its true light (darkness?)
The 2018 Met Gala: Because the Industry Loves Blasphemy
“To Save the World, Get Your Shit Together.”
Is a DICE GAME from Eastern Europe. Barbooth, also called barbotte, or barbudi, dice game of Middle Eastern origin, used for gambling; in the United States it is played chiefly by persons of Greek or Jewish ancestry. The shooter casts two dice (traditionally miniature dice). If he throws 3–3, 5–5, 6–6, or 6–5, he wins; if he throws 1–1, 2–2, 4–4, or 1–2, he loses. Other combinations are meaningless. A…
Înregistrări explozive. Conducerea TVR îi insultă pe jurnalişti pentru că sunt critici la adresa Puterii—273964