Author: FirstVlad
Europe migrant crisis
First, they took down FLASH applications…
Then, face book, twittter, and all the other chats available for communications. The Internet ceased to be an interactive media. It turned into a screen, just like the TV was, a while ago. Only the governments could hack into your computer, while you were browsing the so called World Wide Web. If you covered your computer/laptop camera lens, they would arrest you. Same went for disabling your microphones, and clearing…
CUM SA REFUZAM VACCINAREA ABUZIVA PE BAZA LEGILOR si nu numai! Distribuiti pana nu il vor sterge!
Ask not…….
What you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you, nowadays.
What NO ONE is Saying About The Lock-downs
“The vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe. If they don’t, then the country is safe.” – Monika Wisniewska, Polish author. Mr. Bill Gates should be injected FIRST, under a third authorized party supervision. Beware of NANO technology, which can be injected, together with the forced vaccination. If they don’t want you to fly, because you did not take the vaccine, do not…
Facts about the Electoral College
To Simona Halep
To dear Simona Halep: No lobs, no good drop shots. How in the HELL have you become #1 ??? With ground strokes ONLY??. Didn’t your coaches teach you how to drop-shoot or lob??\ And when to do it?? It seems you have yet, a lot to learn. Good LUCK.
Message to Mr. De Niro
Dear Mr. De Niro, Back in communist Romania, we admired you, for your great CINEMA work. Lately, we admired you from here, within USA, for the same reasons. Nowadays, we think you lost control of yourself, and started deviating from your great path in the past, and/or Dementia/Alzheimer’s is taking over. Why don’t you just lie down and watch your past movies, and stay away from politics?? While you were… – Please stay away from them.
This company is cheating people out of their money, via VOIP. They promise what they cannot deliver. Their support sucks. Choose another company A.S.A.P.
Democrats – Socialism – Communism – Beware !
People, let’s get it straight: Democrats + Socialists = Communism, North Korea STYLE. BEWARE of these jackals ! Prior to getting our US Citizenship, we were asked whether or not we were a member of a communist party. Never been, never will be. However, nowadays, it seems to be OK to be communist in these US of America. What a JOKE. California bears the COMMUNIST FLAG. A (Russian Bear and…
Who should build extra shelters for homeless in LA??
The City of LA ?? The County of LA??, The Federal Gov?? Hollywood actors, producers, directors?? All of the above ?? Obviously, those with extra money and extra power. Yes. All of the above. So that the Hollywood Stars, shall never be exposed to a third world country environment, while heading to the OSCARS.
To all the Powers/Bankers That Be…Out there. QUESTION.
Regarding your ill gotten PROFITS, We understand your desire to have Mo Mo money – That desire has been proven many a time. However, why don’t any of you, stop to think for a while? Your assets could be swallowed up at any time, due to different reasons (global warming, floods, riots, wars). WHY in the HELL are you still sucking the lower/middle class, dry??? Is this how you got…