Author: FirstVlad
The Immortality of Poverty
Posted by donaldjeffries We’ve all heard the saying, “nothing is certain in life but death and taxes. I would add a third inevitable item to this list: poverty. Lyndon B. Johnson waged a phony war on it, and liberals have raged against it for ages. And still it remains. Poverty is inexorably tied to human greed, and as long as one exists, so will the other. In the Middle Ages,…
The German point of view after WWII – After the DRESDEN WAR CRIME Is ANYBODY paying attention?? EVER??
Losing FACE – Explained
Does LOSING FACE mean being humble?? Losing face, in our humble opinion, is the point when you feel/sense a LIE. That is when faces do not face each other ANYMORE. They do not look each other in the eyes, anymore. That is LOSING FACE. Provided to the Western civilization by the ASIAN culture. Parties do not trust one another, anymore. WE lost FACE. LOSING FACE (In Asian culture) = LOST…
Remote controlled aircrafts (heavies)
This was back in 1984. Remote controlled tests go back to 1975 and before that. 09/11, 2001, was just another exercise. A walk in the park. Deny, if you can.
Dracula’s Castle RADIO
Dracula’s Castle RADIO Open with your favorite media player by inserting this into the OPEN URL section of your player: Or, else click here:
Should we abolish the Electoral College??? Tough decision, huh?? Let’s flip a coin. A silver coin, please.