Do you happen to notice a difference between the Romanian flag and the flag of an African country called CHAD??
CHAD flag here:
Romanian flag here:
How in the heck is this possible?
Do you know of other cases in which 2 or more countries have the same flag?
The flogging shall now begin.
Romanian Flag
Moderators: Shish-kabob-Forrest, Vlad, webmaster
Romanian Flag
Last edited by Vlad on Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Never heard of Chad
That is sure crappy, Romanian had it first and I think that Chad should get a different flg of their own.
I think that
The coat of arms should be replaced in the yellow color of the Romanian flag.
Re: I think that
RealVlad wrote:The coat of arms should be replaced in the yellow color of the Romanian flag.
To top it all OFF, the ROMANIAN BATTLE flag has the Coat of arms on the YELLOW, and yet, it is missing from the Romanian STATE flag. Conflict of interests, or a Coup d'etat in the making?
Are the communists still dictating what goes on the flag of Russia, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldovia (Romanian territory), Hungary?? WHERE are the Coat of ARMS??
I do not have as of yet, a good image of the Romanian battle flag, but this is how it is to this day, and it exists and it is seldomly exposed, only GOD knows why:
Russian Follow UP
Wives kissing each other, MEN shaking hands (wife swapping maybe?)
Who gives a DAmn about flags anymore??
Wives kissing each other, MEN shaking hands (wife swapping maybe?)
Who gives a DAmn about flags anymore??
- Dark Witch
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Chad's flag
Human History has taught me that you can never know all the details of something that has happened in the Past. May be it's a coincidence may be Romania and Chad had relations. May be not. Anyway, it's a really simple flag, so it doesn't really surprise me. But I am a woman and that means I'm curious and you turned my interest on with that thing. I'll google this Chad country.
Was about to post...
A message regarding how many people signed up, vs how many post new topics or reply.
Regarding the flag, it is obvious a mishap and no wonder organizers of Olympics and tournaments get confused.
They play the wrong anthem and display the wrong flag at times.
It is a NONO, and it all has to do with today's rulers of Romania.
Were they to add the Coat of Arms on the Romanian Flag, there would be no more misunderstandings.
Thanks for joining the discussions.
Regarding the flag, it is obvious a mishap and no wonder organizers of Olympics and tournaments get confused.
They play the wrong anthem and display the wrong flag at times.
It is a NONO, and it all has to do with today's rulers of Romania.
Were they to add the Coat of Arms on the Romanian Flag, there would be no more misunderstandings.
Thanks for joining the discussions.
Re: Chad's flag
Dark Witch wrote:Human History has taught me that you can never know all the details of something that has happened in the Past. May be it's a coincidence may be Romania and Chad had relations. May be not. Anyway, it's a really simple flag, so it doesn't really surprise me. But I am a woman and that means I'm curious and you turned my interest on with that thing. I'll google this Chad country.
Discussion in 2002 about addition of arms to the flag
On 13 November 2002, the Mediafax news agency in Bucharest reported that the Romanian flag has been changed. Apparently a committee charged with revising the constitution has restored a coat of arms to the national flag. This is the same coat of arms adopted in 1992.
Mark Denten, 13 November 2002
It appears that this report was premature. The following texts were found:
"Drapelul national va avea din nou o stemã în centru BUCURESTI, 12 nov (MEDIAFAX) - Stema României va fi introdusã în centrul drapelului national, pe culoarea galben, pentru prima oarã dupã 1989, conform unei decizii adoptate, marti, de Comisia pentru revizuirea Constitutiei. Legea fundamentalã va specifica includerea stemei pe drapel, în conditiile în care actuala Constitutie nu are un asemenea detaliu."
and (from this website)
"Revine stema pe drapel? Comisia de revizuirea Constitutiei a luat in dezbatere problema introducerii stemei pe drapelul Romaniei, membrii comisiei solicitand, in acest sens, un aviz din partea Academiei Romane, a declarat, ieri, secretarul Camerei Deputatilor, Tudor Mohora. Mohora a aratat ca presedintele Camerei Deputatilor a facut aceasta precizare in sedinta Biroului Permanent, ca urmare a propunerii deputatului apartinand minoritatilor nationale Metin Cerchez de a se aplica stema pe drapelul Romaniei. Metin Cerchez a aratat ca propunerea sa trebuie inclusa de urgenta pe ordinea de zi a Camerei Deputatilor, deoarece, in prezent, drapelul Romaniei seamana cu cel al Repubilcii Ciad, iar in preajma aderarii tarii noastre la NATO este "imperios necesara asezarea stemei pe drapel". Tudor Mohora a spus ca aceasta problema nu poate fi reglementata printr-o lege, ci prin modificarea Constitutiei. Biroul Permanent a decis, insa, sa solicite comisiei juridice sa se pronunte in legatura cu acest subiect, a adaugat Mohora. (M.F.)"
which we understand to indicate that discussion took place about legislative proposals to look at with the possibility to modify and supplement Law nr. 75/1994 on the hoisting of the flag of Romania, intonation of the national anthem and usage of seals with the Romanian arms by authorities and public institutions. The reasons for this proposal was to distinguish the Romanian flag from that of Chad. The proposal seems to have been dropped.
Ivan Sache, Pascal Vagnat, 15 November 2002
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